The book, as suggested by the title, asserts the notion that men and women are as different as beings from other planets. Gray adopts this metaphor as the central theme of all his books and seminars, likening men and women to the classical Roman god Mars and goddess Venus as ideal types.
In contrast to some psychologists (and feminists) who emphasize similarities between the sexes, Gray writes almost exclusively about differences. Gray says that his "Martians" and "Venusians" are only stereotypes and cannot be applied blindly to individuals.
An example of the theories it offers is that women complain about problems because they want their problems to be acknowledged, while men complain about problems because they are asking for solutions. Other concepts in the book are the difference between women and men's point systems and how they react under stress.

目前住在美国加利福尼亚州。 约翰·格雷是美国最著名的心理自助专家之一,他的《男人来自火星 女人来自金星》、《火星人和金星人相伴到永远》等心理自助读物一直位居美国畅销书之榜首,并风靡世界各国,为各年龄层的男女读者完善爱情关系,保持美满婚姻提供了极有益的帮助和技巧。
感言 :我非常喜爱阅读这本书,因为它把两性之间的问题,都一一详细的解答,如果在感情路上遇到了挫折,你也不妨来阅读一番吧。。。
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